The article presents the results of an experimental research on the effect of the pulsating mode a capacitive heat exchanger with an active pipe part on the convective processes heated fluid. Described dignity capacitive heat exchangers. The research was conducted using a thermal imaging surveys. Compares two modes: stationary and pulsating. The method of experimental data processing, based on the analysis of fluid layers. A regression analysis allows to determine the dependence of the relative distribution of the temperature difference between the layers of fluid in the studied mode. The obtained regression equations were presented in the form of an exponential function and harmonic. The effect of pulsing regime on the process of convection in the upper quarter of the heating zone in a capacitive heat exchanger. The study showed the advantage of the capacitive heat exchanger with an active pipe part is often compared with the classical heat exchanger in part the speed of convective processes in the fluid to be heated.
Keywords: capacitive heat exchanger with an active pipe part, pulse heating system, convective process
The application of the fire-retardant heat-insulating coatings the application of light fillers is considered the effective method of fire protection of structures. Work is dedicated to the development of the new effective cement fire-retardant and high-temperature (oxidation-resistant) vermikulitobetonnykh composites with the use of ashes and pumice. It is revealed, that the application of construction gypsum and lime as the agent of the concealed hydraulic activity of pumice it made it possible to considerably reduce the expenditure of cement without reduction in the strength of fire-retardant composite. By wood by that saponified 0,1- 0,3% of the mass of cement the expenditure of water for the mixture is reduced during the introduction of resin, the density of vermikulitobetona decreases by 40-50 kg/m3. Is investigated the influence of the parameters of fiber reinforcement by basaltic fibers on the properties of vermikulitobetona. Are revealed the high fire-retardant properties of the developed fibrovermikulitobetonnykh composites. It is established that the addition of the volcanic pumice of the fraction d< of 0,16 ppm 30% of the mass of cement significantly increases the high-temperature (oxidation-resistant) properties of concrete block with a simultaneous increase in the bending strength and without noticeable reduction in the compressive strength. The replacement of the part of the volcanic pumice by the distended vermiculite makes it possible to reduce the average density of the vermikulitobetonnogo composite and to increase their high-temperature (oxidation-resistant) properties.
Keywords: portland cement, construction gypsum, lime, pumice, volcanic pumice, the distended vermiculite, basaltic fiber, resin wood saponified, the vermikulitobetonnyy composite, high-temperature (oxidation-resistant) properties, the limit of fire resistance, the
The technology of producing foamed glass on the basis of technogenic waste, in particular high calcium waste and lithium-containing compounds, allowing to solve problems of ecology and resource saving. The possibility of using lithium-containing compounds as mineralizing additives foaming foam glass batch. Studied basic properties of foam glass.
Keywords: preparation of foam glass, industrial waste, high calcium waste, lithium-containing compounds, foaming foam glass batch, lithium-cobalt-oxide material, building insulation materials
Increase of productivity of processes of sedimentation of coverings on the restored surfaces of details of cars without decline in quality of the received deposit is a main objective on the way of improvement of galvanic processes. Productivity of galvanic sedimentation depends on the size of potential of the cathode and the anode; from concentration of components of electrolyte about a surface of sedimentation (cathode); from uniformity of delivery and dispersal of ions of metal on a sedimentation surface; from quantity of active sites of the cathode; from nature of passivation of the cathode; from temperature of electrolyte and from the speed of the movement of electrolyte in prikatodny space. Very strongly passivating of a cathodic surface limits the possible growth of productivity of galvanic sedimentation. Passivating consists in education on a surface of the cathode of the continuous passive film consisting of hydrogen, products of reaction of metal with electrolyte components, oxygen of air and foreign inclusions. The passive film is almost insoluble and disturbs electrocrystallization process, shielding a cathodic surface. And cathode covering speed a passive film directly depends on density of cathodic current. It is possible to assume that at achievement of some value of density of cathodic current the speed of formation of a passive film will exceed, the speed of delivery of ions of metal to a cathodic surface and origin of crystals of the besieged metal will become impossible. And on the remained active sites of the cathode where the passive film is absent or has the smallest thickness and growth rate, there will be centers of growth of crystals of metal (dendrites) on which there will be a concentration of the main processes of electrocrystallization. That is the cathodic surface of the restored detail will become covered by the local centers of sedimentation of metal – dendrites. The passive film interferes with growth of limit density of cathodic current at which receiving qualitative electroplated coating is possible. Mechanical elimination of a passive film during sedimentation of a covering considerably facilitates process of electrocrystallization and formation of a layer of metal on the processed detail surface, provides increase of uniformity of the received layer of metal and its microhardness, and also will prevent active formation of local sites of growth of dendrites at the high density of current.
Keywords: passive film, adsorption, sedimentation productivity, electrocrystallization, mechanical activation, crystal lattice
The analysis of the existing personnel management system of the territorial generating companies of the Rostov region, on the example of JSC LUKOIL-Rostovenergo is carried out. The main directions of a personnel management system are considered: opportunities for professional development and career advance; package of social payments and privileges; moral incentive. Procedure of carrying out a self-assessment of workers and a technique of definition of annual awarding of each worker of one of the territorial generating companies is considered: criteria of carrying out a self-assessment, sequence of carrying out and a formula for calculation of total point for calculation of indicators of awarding. In the conclusion expediency and efficiency of carrying out of this sort of actions of the employees of JSC LUKOIL-Rostovenergo directed on human resource management is analysed.
Keywords: power industry, human resource management, young specialists, Rostov region, adaptation of the personnel, social payments
Questions of definition of a residual resource of metal designs of bridge cranes are considered, the main aspects of a settlement technique of the assessment of a resource of cranes developed by VNIIPTMASh (Moscow), and also its program realization in the program MathCad environment are given. Results of inspections of cranes during the period from 2006 to 2010 are stated.
Keywords: residual resource, bridge cranes, box-shaped section, operation, assessment
In work questions of development of a technique of determination of size of a residual resource of bridge cranes of trellised section are considered. When developing a technique the accounting of dynamic nature of loading, deformations of racks and raskos, decrease in load ability of the bearing designs for a cause of wear of their constructive elements is made
Keywords: bridge cranes, residual resource, rod designs, stability
Article is devoted to the questions of an efficiency assessment of the company's logistic activity . Possible indicators of an efficiency assessment of logistic activity of firm are considered. The system of indicators of an efficiency assessment of logistic activity is offered.
Keywords: logistic activity, efficiency of logistic activity, indicators of an assessment of logistic activity
The article analyzes the current problem of assessing of the intellectual potential staff to better manage the organization. Considered stage peer review of the intellectual potential of a construction company. The author proposes a ternary diagram of the structure of the intellectual potential of a construction company, and established the importance of the individual components on the basis of the expert evaluations. The author defines ""intellectual potential building organization"".
Keywords: intellectual potential,management of the construction organization, components, expert evaluation of personnel, intellectual level employees
In article results of pilot studies according to influence of dust emissions in the atmosphere from sources of asphalt concrete plants on concentration and fractional composition of dust are given in atmospheric air. The obtained data testify to insufficient efficiency of actions for decrease in the pylevydeleniye in environment applied now at the considered enterprises. The assessment of necessary fractional efficiency of a pyleulavlivaniye in the conditions of the operating production is carried out.
Keywords: dust, dust emissions, organized source of emissions, concentration, fractional structure, fine particles, fractional efficiency
The results of investigations of stress-strain state of the foundation for the vertical steel tank with sequential action loads in the construction and operation. Developed three-dimensional numerical model studies that take into account the physical nonlinearity and allows successive loading method to evaluate the stress-strain state of the tank foundation at each step of loading. Regularities of the change of the stress-strain state of the tank Foundation and subgrade in the modeling of the process of construction of the tank and fill the oil during operation. The dependences of maximum stresses from deformation modulus of concrete and soil deformation modulus.
Keywords: foundations, tank, soil stress-strain state, filling volume model, the successive loading step method, module of deformation
In article the sources of financing of small business, factors influencing ensuring financial stability of the small construction organizations are considered. The main problems of activity of the small construction enterprises are allocated, the analysis is carried out them and possible solutions are offered.
Keywords: sector of small business, small construction organization, sources of financing of small business, stable financial state, financial and economic crisis, sustainable development
In this article the authors have investigated the existing strategies and mechanisms for non-stop technological update in industrial enterprises and industries. The basic mechanisms of targeted state influence on technology updates, set the main factors for improving competitiveness, determined the impact of technology on the formation of points of growth of competitiveness of the enterprise
Keywords: technological innovation, competitiveness, competitive factors, industrial plant, industry, control mechanisms, the control action of the state, a point of growth, innovation, renewal strategy, innovative enterprises
The article is devoted to the study of internal conditions under which there is a transition on a higher level investment strategy. The author conducted a financial analysis of 30 machine-building enterprises of the southern Federal district and the features of the financial status of enterprises with different types of investment strategy. According to the results of the research are formulated the conditions for changing type of investment strategy and assesses the probability of transition. The obtained results can be used in the framework of the organizational-economic mechanism of perfection of planning of the state support of investment development of enterprises of machine-building industry in the region.
Keywords: investment strategy development, base development strategy, engineering company, changing the type of investment strategy, financial condition
This article describes a way of reducing dust emissions of pollutions exhausted in the atmosphere in the manufacture of cement applying high effective wet dust cleaners with a combined scheme of separation of dust from the gas flow within systems cutting dusting aspiration. It was observed a short description of main technological processes, devices and related major sources of emissions and discharges of pollutants into the atmosphere in the cement manufacture in this article. It was described an industrial survey of a representative sample of aspiration systems and of cement’s enterprises using dust precipitators within those system. There concern the main results of the dispersed analysis of variance dimension’s particle of cement dust stemming and exhausting from the kilns in this article. There is describe a new wet dust cleaner cutting emissions of dust pollution aspiration schemes from kiln cement oven into atmosphere. It was fulfill experimental research to get evaluation of the leakage’s degree of dust particles mean as outlet exhaust’s coefficient for the elaborated wet dust cleaner. It was obtain treatment dependence of the outlet exhaust’s coefficient in the regression’s dependence as function of several parameters within research work field for this wet dust precipitator parameters. The tests showed that developed wet scrubbing dust collector reduced significantly cement dust emissions exhausting in the atmosphere and high degree of reliability one’s.
Keywords: Dust, cement, sand, cleaning apparatus, wet cleaning, building material, leakage, dispersed analysis, emission, scheme, an atmosphere, dust decreasing