Personnel records and personnel management within the construction organization is of great importance to increase profits. The complex of the measures raising efficiency of the organization of work in the average and large building enterprises Is offered. The possibility of increase of such efficiency at the organization-investor is investigated
Keywords: Management of the personnel, methods, normalization, investments, planning
The paper discusses possible options for the use of genre classification results of Web documents in search engines. The proposed methods can improve the quality of search engines.
Keywords: Web document classification, text documents, search engines, search engine results page, search quality, diversity
The superposition conception of endogenous factors influence on the hem lymphatic occupancy in the organism vascular system is presented. The main influence factors creating the wave modulation on the pulse blood and lymph flows in the vessels and liquid’s moving in the around tissues are considered in the physical model. On the basis of the model is justified hemodynamic functional test with dosed compression effects on local areas of the body, in which the reaction is analyzed for changes in the spectrum of signals related to the changes exhibited by volume-dynamic changes in the vessels. Shows the functional scheme of the formation of the wave changes hem lymphatic, allowing planning of the study.
Keywords: Hem lymphatic occupancy, endogenous factors, compression action, spectral analyzing of signals
The article describes one of the possible approaches to the investigation of a technique of definition of quality indicators of vehicles and lifting-transport machines, examines the concept - combining numerical estimate of single and complex indices into a single composite index.
The following algorithms: the algorithm of finding the functional quality systems, represented by the linear form, with varying competence of experts, the algorithm modified method, allowing to make the transition from бифакторного distribution to мультифакторному, which is important when processing expert information; algorithm modified method, characterized by greater commonality and expanding the use of standard computer programmes at the decision of problems of estimation of quality systems on a computer.
Keywords: The level of quality of complex technical systems, decomposition methods of technical requirements, functional quality, modified method,algorithm
Increase of investment appeal of municipality - one of the most important directions of social and economic development of territories. Local governments have real possibilities essentially to influence on investment climate of the territory. The most effective tool in this case is the investment passport of municipality - the complex newsletter, calculated for potential investors
Keywords: city-planning, investment passport, sustainable development of territories, complex assessment of the territory
One of the priorities of socio-economic development of the municipality is the effective work aimed at improving the quality of life. In this article the problem of placement for agency of health care and education considers at reconstruction of urban areas. There is an investment attractiveness and environmental condition in focus, when choosing a site location of the agency of health care and education
Keywords: Geoinformational systems, environmental safety, investment attractiveness, reconstruction, electronic map
Depressed calcaneus fractures tend to reveal comminuted nature, and are accompanied by apparent oedema of soft tissues in the ankle joint and foot zones. Rigidity of calcaneus fracture fixation and ability of an early performance of graduated weight bearing by a certain extremity depend on the precision grade of clamp location in the main splinter body. Presently, this problem is solved by means of an electric-optical image converter application. A method, and an appliance for its practical implementation are being offered, which will provide for an increased precision of a crew/wire installation into the calcaneus, with a simultaneous reduction of radiation exposure on both surgeon and patient. 35 patients with depressed calcaneus fracture were operated according to this method; a therapy result for the period from 6 months to 2.5 years has been made for 8 thereof. The algorithm of therapy did not foresee the external immobilization, the graduated weight bearing commenced after 1.5 months, and the complete weight bearing started after 2.5 months. Redislocation of splinters has not been noticed in any of the cases considered. The appliance offered ensures a high quality of surgical therapy.
Keywords: calcaneus fracture, osteosynthesis, cannulated screws, minimally invasive osteosynthesis
To analyze social network graph effectively one needs a web-based tool, to parse network data automatically. In the first part of the paper we descibe a structre of the data we gain, including who comments whom information. Then we explain usage of Drupal CMF with Feeds module to parse network data and save it to database. The data obtained consist of name of the comment author, date posted, journal author, comment text, title of the comment. Prepared graph can be exported for further use.
Keywords: social network graph, web-page parser, drupal cmf, feeds module, comments importer, comments graph
The paper discusses options for building enterprise development strategies and formulation of strategic accounting of property on the basis of the strategies. Strategic Property records organized using tools accounting engineering, allowing to determine a reasonable estimate of the property on a date distributions and dynamics
Keywords: strategic development, strategic account ownership, accounting tools engineering, dynamics of Ownership
We propose a model describing the motion of the wave of viruses inside and outside of living matter. It is shown that the Schrodinger equation can be used in the analysis of movement of the virus, as a physical material object in physical space. We calculated the de Broglie wavelength of the virus. The mechanism of viral diseases is shown as an interaction of genetic apparatus of human cells with the field structure of viruses. The concept of information-wave virus is given. The results of studies on patients with the use of information-wave of viruses, generated by a special generator of digital codes, are given. It is shown that the reliability of the mechanism of cell damage by wave digital information and viruses on the basis of vegetative resonance test. The reliability of the mechanism of cell damage by information-wave digital viruses is shown with the use vegetative resonance test. The conclusion that the suppression of viruses can be realized with the use of radiation from a special generator of numerical codes has been made.
Keywords: information, wave, viruses, treatment
In article the method of calculation gamma percentage fatigue resource of an arrow shovel excavator for population of final volume, by means analytical method of definition parameters of Weibull distribution is offered.
The made computing experiment has shown that the developed method allows to receive gamma percentage value of a fatigue resource of an arrow shovel excavator by means of transition from the sample data to the population data.
Keywords: a resource, an arrow, shovel excavator, population, Weibull
In operation questions of support of flow of documents of chair of a biomedical profile are considered. The current trends of development of domestic and foreign systems of training which, first of all, carry to abbreviation of load of educational and teaching composition are analyzed. On the basis of upgrade of system of flow of documents time expended on examination of pupils is reduced. It is reached at the expense of introduction of new methods of training, such as distant education. Advantages of remote learning which represents a progressive type of the training, allowing connecting in educational process of territorially removed teacher and the trainee are used.
Keywords: Electronic document circulation, education, automation
In article the refined method of calculation gamma percentage fatigue resource of an arrow shovel excavator for population of final volume, by means analytical method of definition parameters of Weibull distribution is offered.
The made computing experiment has shown that the developed method allows to receive gamma percentage value of a fatigue resource of an arrow shovel excavator by means of transition from the sample data to the population data.
Keywords: a resource, an arrow, shovel excavator, population, Weibull
Now nanotechnologies are one of perspective methods of diagnostics in medical practice. Nanoparticles can be used as contrast agents for medical ultrasonic introscopy due to their adhesion to tumor cells and bacteria. The mathematical model of the laser excitation of acoustic signals in a liquid medium with the presence of the nanotubes was developed and numerically studied. Increasing of the level of photo acoustic signal was shown.
Keywords: Opt acoustic effect, nanotubes, and model
Discusses issues of modeling of thermal regime of soil in harmonious fluctuations in air temperature. Developed mathematical model to predict the temperature distribution. Is an example of the calculation for the summer mode
Keywords: Heat pump, ground heat exchangers, numerical methods, unsteady mode