Тhe article deals with the malfunctions of the vehicle's brake system, resulting in uneven wear of the brake pads. Illustrations of damaged pads are given. Recommendations for troubleshooting are given.
Keywords: car, brake system, brake shoe, wear pads, malfunction
In the article questions of diagnosing of a technical condition of antiblocking system (ABS) of brakes of the car are considered. The main types of faults and the causes of their occurrence are outlined. Recommendations are given to drivers for the prevention of damages or failures of ABS
Keywords: car, anti-lock braking system, diagnostics, stand, malfunction, failure
The progressive destruction has enormous economic and social consequences. The problem of finding the optimal way to protect high-rise buildings from the development of a chain of avalanche-like destruction process has become of great importance due to the increase in the height of such buildings. In this work the method of protection of buildings from progressive destruction at which the technology of amplification by means of weights and built-in power frameworks is used is investigated.
Keywords: Progressive destruction, protection of multi-storey buildings, combined reinforcement, strands, built-in power frames
Short data on efficiency of a fibrobeton on the basis of heavy quartz sand are provided in work. Taking into account existence of huge reserves of natural porous fillers (the tufa, pumice, pummitsit, etc.) in various regions of Russia and also the fillers received on the basis of industry waste the relevance of a research of a stalefibrobeton with easily concrete matrixes is proved. Experimental selection of optimum composition of concrete on the basis of tuff filler of the Kamensk field of Kabardino-Balkar Republic regarding his use as a matrix of a stalefibrotufobeton (SFTB) is executed . The picked-up structure has been used for creation of skilled combined and monolithic samples of beams which should be tested. During formation of beams control samples of a stalefibrotufobeton have been selected and tested. Results of tests of control samples for compression, stretching and a bend demonstrate that fiber reinforcing exerts significant positive effect on strength and deformativny properties of a tufobeton. Data of experimental research confirm a possibility of using tufobeton in the stalefibrobetonnykh designs.
Keywords: Stalefibrotufobeton, steel fiber, matrix, volume percent of fiber reinforcing, stretching, compression, bend, dynamic influences, zone placement
The task of this work is a survey of passenger correspondence, a traffic intensity survey ,a passenger traffic survey of the road net on the example of Sochi. Used methods: passenger correspondence polling by questionnaire, statistical analysis for the array of correspondence processing, observation, registration and analysis of traffic and passenger intensity.
Keywords: passenger correspondence, traffic, public transport, passenger traffic
The article is devoted to the reduction of steel consumption in the compressed zone of reinforced concrete elements. Special attention is paid to the combined prestressing, in which the armature of the stretched zone is subjected to prestressing, and compressed – prestressing. The combined prestressing allows to reduce the steel consumption, and also to increase the performance of many technical characteristics by increasing the limit stresses in the high-strength reinforcement of the compressed and stretched zones
Keywords: the combined prestressing, compressed area, consumption of steel compressed fittings
A review of the serial microwave detectors of AEROFLEX company was conducted. Parameters of 116 detector models are considered. The features of AEROFLEX products are noted, including wide frequency range, high sensitivity, harsh operating conditions, a variety of design, including coaxial and strip type.
Keywords: detector, voltage sensitivity, tangential sensitivity, standing wave ratio, non-uniformity of the transfer characteristic, offset, overload protection
The article discusses the development of a mathematical model in the deterministic form of recording the main dependences that determine the process of vaporization in a steam power plant to produce heat and electricity when used as a source of biofuel energy. Theoretically, the parameters of the working process of the installation were calculated; thermal efficiency of the turbine; heat useful used in the boiler unit; the efficiency of the boiler; the percentage of heat loss with exhaust gases; the estimated hourly consumption of solid biofuel; the annual amount of heat obtained by burning the mass of crop residues; the theoretical combustion temperature of crop residues; the actual steam velocity in the Laval nozzle; the heat loss in the nozzle, etc.in the course of calculations with the help of a multi-factor experiment, the parameters and the shape of the turbine blade used in the installation were obtained. Using the presented mathematical model given in the article and the data of the Federal state statistics service, we obtain the numerical values of the working process of the installation working on biofuel. For convenience, all the summary theoretical data of the numerical values of the basic theoretical dependences of the mathematical model of the working process of the layout of the steam power plant for heat and electricity was included in the table. Thus, theoretical studies show the possibility of producing electricity of the required quality using straw to produce high-pressure steam.
Keywords: mathematical model the working process of the pressure volume, a steam turbine,producing heat and electric energy, biofuels
The article presents the results of simulation of the microstrip microwave structure of the ring configuration, which, by analogy with the fiber-optic prototype, embodies the principle of Fano resonance formation. This type of resonance is characterized by the asymmetry of the shape and has a narrower resonance than the classical Gaussian and Lorentzian forms.
Keywords: Ring resonator, Bragg reflection, Fano resonance, phase shift
In this paper, we study the frequency dependence of the inductor with a ferromagnetic core in the sound frequency range. Based on the measurements made, a replacement circuit for the coil is constructed, taking into account the active losses due to magnetic hysteresis, as well as the capacitive component of the current appearing at higher frequencies. The method of determining the parameters of the substitution scheme is given in the article, which, due to the complexity of the mathematical model, was determined by statistical averaging of the solutions of systems of nonlinear equations. Conclusions are made about the practical application of this substitution scheme in electronic devices.
Keywords: substitution scheme induction coil, frequency dependence of the impedance of the induction coil, active losses in the core
This article provides information about the state of the housing stock of the Russian Federation, provides statistical evidence, and the reasons for the current state of residential buildings and structures. The influence of modernization on the preservation and restoration of the housing stock of the Russian Federation is indicated, its expediency and main types of works are given, the results of modernization are presented
Keywords: housing stock, housing problems, modernization, operational parameter, the desirability of modernization, depreciation of the building, main types of works, replacement of equipment, add-in floors, changing the geometry of the premises
The article reports about approximation algorithm for Integer Factoriation Problem (IFP) using reduction to optimizing case of SAT problem with 3 literals per clause (MAX-3SAT). A continuous functional that equivivalent MAX-3SAT is builded and solved by simple iteration method with variable neighboordood search and Bayesian rounding. It shown that global minimum of the functional cannot be reached in almost samples because local extremums but arguments of ones can be compared with the exact solution. The experiments show that the developed gybrid algorithm improves earlier version developed by authors. Also this method is analyzed by quantum channels defense In systems of quantum key distribution. A typical structure of one is described.
Keywords: Integer Factorization Problem, an optimzed version of SAT problem (MAX-3SAT), various neighboorhood search, continuous functional of MAX-3SAT representation, quantum key distribution
The optimum coefficients for the use of materials for combined beams in a wide range of loads are obtained in the article. The principles of designing and calculating the strength of Steel Reinforced Concrete slabs are outlined in accordance with SR 266.1325800.2016 ""Steel Reinforced Concrete Structures. Design rules"". Strength calculations are performed, the results of a numerical experiment are compared and analyzed. The optimal utilization factor of materials obtained in accordance with the specified regulatory document was established. The results obtained can be used in the design of combined beams of different cross-sections and spans. The purpose of this study is to find the optimum reinforcement of the floor beams. To strengthen the proposed installation of prestressed reinforcement in the lower girdle of the beam, which increases the strength and reduces the deflections of the beams. In such ceilings, the bending moment from external loads is distributed between the structural elements: the beam and the reinforced concrete overlap, in accordance with the ratio of the stiffnesses of these components. As a result of the study, the optimal diameters of prestressed reinforcement for steel beams by spans from 6 to 9 m were determined and for the calculated linear load from 5 to 30 kN/m. The proposed reinforcement option allows to increase bearing capacity, reduce deflections, reduce labor costs for building reconstruction, and also increase the reliability and durability of the structure.
Keywords: Steel reinforced concrete, floors, combined beams, profiled sheet, coefficient of use of materials
Passive detection sensors are widely spread in engineering-technical systems of information protection. During designing such systems, it may be difficult to calculate the coverage areas of infrared detectors. This is due to the fact that the problem of establishing a relationship between the theory of statistical detection and the choice of parameters for the equation of the maximum detection range is not considered in detail. In this regard, the task was to develop a method for applying the basic equation of passive location to calculate the coverage areas of infrared detectors. The calculation method is developed on the basis of the equation of the maximum range of the passive receiver. The study considered three models of the signal-to-noise ratio: a signal against a white noise background with fully known signal-to-noise parameters; detection of a signal whose phase and amplitude are unknown; and detection of a random signal against a noise background. As a result of the research, the conditions under which the passive signal detection formulas on the background of noise give correct results were found. Thus, the connection of the statistical theory of detection with the equation of the range of the passive emitter was established.
Keywords: information security, infrared detector, passive location, engineering and technical protection, the pyroelectric element
In is paper investigated and confirmed the Deposit of bentonite clay on the studied road section of Osh-Isfana. Osh-Isfana road is an international meaning road. The road is located in the Nookatsky district of Osh region of Kyrgyz Republic and connects the two regions and gives access to the territory of neighboring States – Tajikistan and Uzbekistan. Overestimation of the roadbed with moisture is an extremely dangerous phenomenon, since the strength of the pavement and the stability of the slopes of the mounds and excavations are greatly reduced. When designing the basis of the road on collapsible soils are equally important inside the event with the aim of reducing the likelihood of soaking the soil. The recommendations on the use of local building material as a waterproofing layer of the road structure, interrupting the movement of moisture, while ensuring the removal of water from rain and snow melt.
Keywords: slope, water-heat regime, sediment, moisture, waterproofing material, X-ray spectral analysis, shale clay, bentonite clay