The method of in situ experimental studies on the landslide slopes and road designs on them using vibro-measuring complex
Keywords: The landslide slope, experiment, microseismic vibrations, monitoring of dynamic deformation, vibrometry, model
The algorithm for computer simulation of x-ray images of mobile inspection systems is considered. Educational software which implements this algorithm is described. The goal is to develop the software that not only allows to view the final x-ray image but to design complex scene of 3d objects in interactive way and then use it to render the x-ray projection. The parameters required for precise and realistic x-ray image simulation are considered. They are the objects geometry and position, size and position of the detector and radiation source, the beam energy and other characteristics. Next, the algorithm and formulas for projection of 3D object onto detectors pane are given. Then, the algorithm for calculation of pixel color in greyscale is provided. It is based on traditional ray tracing algorithms like z-buffer used in computer graphics. The input data is the scene of complex 3D objects designed with built-in 3D editor in stereolithographic format. The file in stereolithographic format is used both to store the scene geometry and the characteristics of materials associated to its objects. The distance traveled by the beam inside the object is calculated using the ordered list of the mesh nodes of the object. As the basis of this algorithm is the law of attenuation for X-rays the attenuation coefficients stored in database are also used. Finally the picture of example 3D scene with hidden prohibited goods and rendered x-ray image with these goods visible are provided.
Keywords: computer modelling, computer graphics, computeraided drawing, x-ray, ray tracing, cargo control, stereolithography
The improvement of methods of electronic devices simulation is currently ongoing, so development the tests for these methods is the actual task at the present time. The goal of this paper is to develop the original test problem for efficiency assessment of numerical methods of ordinary differential equations solving and methods of numerical analysis of transients in electronic circuits and systems. The test problem is presented as mathematical model and electronic circuit too. Test problem and technique of estimation of numerical analysis algorithms’ accuracy proposed in the present paper can be used in circuit simulators and in computer mathematics programs to test both known and new simulation methods for electronic circuits and systems with various dynamics, including stiff and/or nonlinear circuits.
Keywords: numerical methods, electronic circuits, transient analysis, ordinary differential equations, stiff systems
In the present work a new trends in the development of absorbent materials are described. The results of calculation of scattering and reflection patterns for multilayer structures are presented. Parameters of the structures with highest absorption are evaluated. Analysis of obtained theoretical calculations is presented.
Keywords: resonance absorption, metamaterials, plasmons, nanophotonics, nanostructures, reflectance
Graphic information carried by hue contrast is actualized, mathematical description specificity of hue as the basic colour characteristic is investigated, theoretical bases of hue contrast control are stated, original algorithm and program for images hue contrast control are described, resolution of the offered method is experimentally estimated, scope of the created software product possible applications is outlined, efficiency of its application in expert problems is shown.
Keywords: graphic information, hue contrast, contrast control, algorithm and program realization, latent images
mathematical models, optimizing the cost of sorting of wood, provide a rationale for dual-mode operation sorting line woodworking enterprise
Keywords: sorting line, round timber, mathematical models, forest drives
The problem diffraction H-polarized electromagnetic pulse is reduced to the solution of the integral equation. Singled and analytically transformed into a special part of the integral equation. It transformed the integral equation applied collocation method for solving the spatial coordinate. Found near field and the results of calculations of diffraction of electromagnetic pulse.
Keywords: Fresnel diffraction, electromagnetic pulse, collocation method, a near field
The present state and development trends of plasmonic materials. The results of the calculation of scattering and reflection diagrams nanostrzhnyah of ZnO. And the prospects for the use of anti-reflective optical lattices.
Keywords: non-reflecting grating plasmonic materials, nanophotonics, nanostructures, reflectance
"This article provides a solution of the plane contact problem with the use of a finite-element method. It presents the algorithms to determine the “node – response surface” contacting pairs through method of minimal penetration of contacting bodies. The article also contains the algorithm of rapid formation of the global stiffness matrix, taking into account the changes of the connections between mesh nodes for each iteration of solving in the Mathcad software."
Keywords: solution of the contact problem, flat stress strain state of the finite element method, Mathcad
With the safety position and the environmental and economic feasibility of perspectivity renunciation of the use of imported liquefied chlorine (substance of 2 hazard class) and replacing it with an electrolytic solution of sodium hypochlorite (4 hazard class), produced by on-site consumption. Hydrogen, which is a waste product , is thus partially (15-20%) to reduce the need Rostov TEP-2 in this matter and to provide a corresponding reduction in energy and economic costs.
Keywords: liquefied chlorine, sodium hypochlorite, hydrogen, emergency, chlorination plant, hydrogen generation, energy efficiency, resource conservation, safety
The article analyzes the calculation of the punching shear slab structures according to the recommendations of SNiP 2.03.01-84*concrete and reinforced Concrete structures. It is shown that the existing method of calculation gives overestimated the bearing capacity of floor slabs in bezrigelny frame systems. In order to establish the bearing capacity corresponding to the constructive decision is expected by calculation to determine the angle of the pyramid pushing.
Keywords: extrusion, dowel effect, bezrigelny frame, preopera area, bearing capacity, punching the pyramid, technological hole, slab, reliability, rebar, concrete
The article contais numerical analytical solution of the contact problem with termal creep of main material, based on the limited precision of machine arithmetic and practical significance of the result. A solution of the 2nd kind Volterra integral equation , which is the main task of resolving equations is made by replacing the integrand function and the introduction of "conditional indefinitely". The article contais analysis of the behavior of the function with all changes.
Keywords: "solution of the plane contact problem numerical solution material termal creep"
"The article treats the issues of data exchange between Mathcad and Gmsh. To solve this problem built-in and predefined functions are used in Mathcad without recourse to UFI tools. The solution proposed in the article is connected with importing a mesh with a complex topology into Mathcad for further processing with the use of numerical methods. The solution involving a partially automated transmission of the results of calculations in the nodes of spatial mesh cells for further visualization is also considered in the article."
Keywords: visualization of numerical results, transfer mesh with complex topology, Gmesh, Mathcad
In the various methods of non-destructive testing, which working with the deformation fields, diagnostic accuracy is largely dependent on the intensity of structural noise caused by small-scale irregularities of building structures. In this paper we investigate the effectiveness of using a vector-scalar receiving systems for diagnostics of vibration and defectoscopy of building structures. Comparative analysis of the fluctuations of the scalar and energy flux components of the structural noise acoustic field was conducted using computer simulation. Suppression of this noise contributes to a more precise localization of defects in constructions. The study was conducted in view of the fact that the component of the stream of the acoustic field, for which the intensity of the structural noise is minimal, is measured indirectly, using two sensors: scalar and vector. It is shown that the use of energy flux component can increase the detection efficiency.
Keywords: flaw detection, structural noise, fluctuation, components of the acoustic field, energy flux
The maintenance model of group of stationary objects in a one-dimensional working area by moving processor is considered. The processor performs one-step service cycle without interruptions, which begins and ends at the base point. For every object assumed to be given its location, the required length of service, an early start of service and function of the individual fines. We study the problem of multiple criteria, where total traveled processor length, time of return of the processor in the base point after the service of all objects of a given group and the total fine value of all objects act as minimized criteria. The solution is performed using formulas based on the principle of dynamic programming, and also based on the ideology of evolutionary genetic algorithms. When using dynamic programming we study questions of construction of complete sets of effective assessments. The problems of comparing two sets of estimates, the computational complexity, an example and results of the experiments are considered.
Keywords: multi-objective optimization, maintenance strategy, dynamic programming, evolutionary computation, NP-difficulty, mobile processor, stationary objects