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  • Analysis of urban planning in terms of the negative impact of traffic flow on the urban environment

    The issues of atmospheric pollution, including noise pollution, are considered. The dependences of the concentration of carbon monoxide at distances from the roadway at different directions and speeds of the wind flow obtained according to MRR-2017 are presented. The influence of motor transport on the condition of the air basin and the health of the urban population is considered. The levels of noise pollution in the main-line territories of Volgograd, as well as the main pollutants in the atmospheric air of the main-line territories, are considered. The dispersion of CO concentration at different wind speeds at different angles of wind direction to the road and traffic noise levels depending on the days of the week, time of day, and traffic flow intensity are considered.

    Keywords: wind flow direction and speed, roadway, atmospheric air, mainline territories, traffic noise levels, carbon monoxide concentration, vehicle fleet, cargo flow

  • Study of the microclimate of the swimming pool when using in-floor convectors

    In residential and public buildings, in-floor convectors are often used as heating devices. This study examines the operation of convectors in a swimming pool room. The results of numerical modeling of room microclimate parameters taking into account calculated heat loads and moisture emissions are presented. A comparative analysis of the operation of various heating and ventilation systems for a public swimming pool was carried out. The results of the study were obtained in the form of temperature distribution fields, movement speeds and relative air humidity. A conclusion is drawn about the effectiveness of using in-floor convectors in indoor public swimming pools.

    Keywords: heating system, in-floor convector, moisture content, excess heat, excess moisture, air exchange, numerical modeling, room microclimate, SolidWorks, STAR-CCM+

  • Monitoring soil soaking in the foundation area using dynamic probing

    Water saturation of soils in the area of foundations is accompanied by a deterioration in their bearing capacity and is often detected only with the appearance of the first signs of deformation. Effective monitoring of soil conditions helps reduce escalating damage. For this purpose, a variant of dynamic penetration was developed and applied, which made it possible to establish a fivefold reduction in the resistance of soils to indenter penetration in the water-saturated zone in comparison with their natural state. The approach provides rapid mapping of the state of the soil mass in areas of expected soaking, for example, in the area of backfilling of foundations. The results are applicable for monitoring soil soaking in technogenic conditions and are of interest to a wide range of specialists in the field of construction.

    Keywords: flooding, dynamic penetration, monitoring, mapping, water-saturated soil

  • Study of differences in fire regulations between Russia and China in the design of gas distribution pipelines

    The article considers the requirements of regulatory documents to ensure fire safety during construction and operation of gas distribution pipelines in Russia and China. The different approach to fire risk reduction in the two countries is revealed: more specific and stringent requirements in China and general requirements related to fire hazardous facilities in Russia.

    Keywords: fire risks, fire regulations, natural gas combustion, causes of natural gas fires, natural gas transportation, fire safety

  • Step-by-step analysis of the water treatment system and characterization of the impact on the operational wear of boiler turbine equipment

    The operational wear and service life of power equipment is closely related to the efficiency of the feedwater treatment plant. Insufficient degree of purification leads to serious violations not only of the operating mode of the equipment, but also contributes to an increase in the rate of corrosion processes. The paper considers a water treatment plant based on membrane technologies with the inclusion of membrane filtration and a reverse osmosis unit in a circulating mode. During the experimental period, water samples were taken at each stage of purification and the main indicators that affect operational wear were determined. Based on the results obtained, conclusions were made, as well as recommendations on the operation of the water treatment plant in a circulating mode.

    Keywords: water treatment plant, membrane processes, operational wear of equipment, quality indicators of process waters

  • Analysis of the operation of a water treatment plant with a membrane reverse osmosis unit with seasonal changes in water quality

    Enterprises of the fuel and energy sector, in search of new environmentally safe and economically feasible processes, are introducing membrane technologies into the water treatment system. The main advantages of these methods are: technological simplicity of design, minimal use of chemical reagents, absence of phase transitions and neutrality of wastewater. But despite the rather significant advantages, the use of these processes for a long time can be aggravated by seasonal changes in the quality of natural water in the water source. In this paper, an analysis of the reverse osmosis plant was carried out based on the results of laboratory experiments on water quality indicators at the inlet to the plant and permeate. The average results for each indicator for the entire time of the experiment are also presented.

    Keywords: reverse osmosis plant, permeate, seasonal changes in the quality of natural water, thermal power plants

  • Mapping urban air pollution using mobile dust meters of the AirExpert Mini series

    Results of field tests of mobile dust meters of the AirExpert series based on optical sensors (OPC-R1 / OPC-N3) at the stationary air monitoring station "Shabolovka" State Environmental Budgetary Institution (GPBU) "Mosekomonitoring", Moscow, equipped with a dust analyzer (TEOM) series 1405 , showed that the measurement accuracy meets the requirements for instruments for measuring the quality of atmospheric air in populated areas. Mapping of atmospheric air pollution in certain areas of the cities of Obninsk, Dubna, St. Petersburg, Kursk, Moscow, Volgograd (2019-2024) was carried out, which made it possible to quickly assess the environmental situation in the study area in real time, thereby detailing the data from stationary monitoring posts.

    Keywords: mobile dust meters, monitoring, reference device, measurement accuracy, pollution mapping, hyperlocal monitoring

  • Prediction of gas concentrations based on a recurrent neural network

    The article discusses the use of a recurrent neural network in the problem of forecasting pollutants in the air based on actual data in the form of a time series. A description of the network architecture, the training method used, and the method for generating training and testing data is provided. During training, a data set consisting of 126 measurements of various components was used. As a result, the quality of the conclusions of the resulting model was assessed and the averaged coefficients of the MSE metric were calculated.

    Keywords: air pollution, forecasting, neural networks, machine learning, recurrent network, time series analysis

  • Modern methods of utilization of gaseous waste from enterprises of the fuel and energy sector

    The capture and disposal of harmful emissions is an urgent task of our time. This article describes various methods of improving the environmental friendliness of industrial enterprises by cleaning flue gases. The most promising purification technology is adsorption. Therefore, the paper presents laboratory studies of the testing of some adsorption materials for the efficiency of carbon dioxide capture. The key formulas of sorption purification methods are displayed, and the results are presented. Based on experimental studies, an adsorption material was selected that has a potentially high absorption efficiency after activation and refinement of a composition that can be regenerated.

    Keywords: flue gases, adsorption, absorption, carbon dioxide, greenhouse effect, sorption materials, absorption efficiency

  • Comparative analysis of the operation of vertical cylindrical clarifiers of the Central Research Institute, VTI and high-speed clarifiers with a pulsating column

    Industrial enterprises place high demands on the quality of demineralized water, the economic feasibility of this process, as well as its environmental friendliness. The water treatment plant begins with pre-treatment, which allows the removal of dissolved suspensions, mechanical impurities and organic substances. Most often, the pre-cleaning process is organized using clarifiers. The type of clarifier used significantly affects both the efficiency of the process and its economic characteristics. The paper presents a comparative characteristic of the operation of vertical cylindrical clarifiers of the Central Research Institute, VTI and high-speed clarifiers with a pulsating column. The main operational characteristics are highlighted, and the cost of clarified water is calculated when using different types of clarifiers.

    Keywords: clarifier, pre-cleaning, cleaning quality indicators, thermal power plants

  • Application of three-phase foams to reduce the concentration of diesel fuel in water

    The effect of organomodified silica particles on the extraction of dissolved diesel fuel from water was studied. The dependence of the efficiency of water purification on the concentration and type of solid particles, as well as the concentration and type of surfactant, is shown. When using a short-chain surfactant to modify the surface of silica particles, the minimum residual concentration of diesel fuel was 2.71 mg/l at a concentration of 4% Aerosil-380 and hexylamine 57 mmol/l. Replacing the short-chain surfactant hexylamine with the long-chain CTAMB led to an 8% improvement in the quality of water purification due to an increase in the surface activity of the organic cation. The use of modified clay particles to purify water from diesel fuel showed lower efficiency compared to Aerosil-380 particles at similar concentrations of the solid phase and surfactant modifier.

    Keywords: Pickering foam, foam emulsion, diesel fuel, water purification, silica, cationic surfactant, hexylamine, cetyltrimethylammonium bromide

  • The use of thermal insulation material PU in ensuring the operation of heating networks

    Reducing the loss of thermal energy in heating systems and increasing their reliability is an urgent task for the thermal power industry. The use of polyurethane foam insulation of pipelines is currently considered as the most promising solution to this problem. However, the construction of a durable and economical pipeline with PU insulation requires certain conditions. Despite the advantages of using PU insulation, the experience of implementing such pipelines has revealed problems arising from emergency situations that directly affect the reduction of energy efficiency. To solve these problems, an operational remote control system is being introduced to eliminate accidents and monitor insulation moisture. The paper presents an analysis of the implementation of LoRaWAN-based SDCs on heating networks in the Republic of Tatarstan. The study shows that in the first year of operation, the number of defects was higher due to the establishment of an information collection system and the installation of sensors. However, the second year of the experiment demonstrated a decrease in the number of defects and accidents, which indicates an increase in the efficiency of the system. It is recommended to introduce pipelines with PU insulation and SOD to increase the reliability and efficiency of heating networks.

    Keywords: pipelines, heating networks, polyurethane foam insulation, reliability, durability, energy efficiency, operational remote control system

  • Evaluation of the effectiveness of the use of inorganic coagulants in the processes of purification of surface natural waters

    The effectiveness of various inorganic coagulants based on aluminum and iron was evaluated. Based on a review of the literature data, as well as experimental studies, the advantages and disadvantages of a number of coagulants based on aluminum and iron have been identified. Aluminum sulfate, iron sulfate, as well as polyoxychloride and aluminum oxychloride were studied. Based on the results of evaluating the effectiveness of inorganic coagulants in terms of turbidity, chromaticity, residual aluminum, permanganate oxidability, recommendations for their separate and joint use are given.

    Keywords: coagulant, aluminum, iron, turbidity, chromaticity, permanganate oxidability, residual aluminum

  • Reducing the concentration of fine dust PM2.5 and PM10 in construction by optimizing facilities on the construction site

    In most countries of the world, the construction industry is one of the main sources of air pollution in urban areas and agglomerations. One of the most dangerous pollutants are fine dust particles PM2.5 and PM10, formed from the production of dusty construction processes. Due to the optimal location of administrative facilities on the construction site, it is possible to reduce the concentration of dust emissions of particles PM2.5 and PM10. In addition, the cost of the dust control method is of concern to contractors, as it leads to an increase in the cost of construction. Therefore, reducing overall transportation costs is another optimization goal. To solve several tasks at once, the study uses multi-purpose optimization using the particle swarm method (MRF) algorithm to find an optimized construction site layout that can simultaneously reduce both the level of pollution from dust emissions and transportation costs.

    Keywords: environmental safety, environmental monitoring, atmospheric air protection, ecology in construction, dust suppression, feasibility study, dust collection systems, labor protection in construction

  • Solutions to optimize the process of collecting and recycling plastic waste in the ocean

    The article discusses the issues related to the solution of an actual problem – the recycling of accumulations of plastic waste in the ocean. It is proposed to organize the plastic recycling process directly in the ocean on recycling vessels. At the same time, the products of mechanical processing and pyrolysis can be used to support the construction, road construction, and electric power industries of coastal developing countries in Africa and Latin America, near which the largest amount of plastic waste is concentrated. It is proposed to use both systems with artificial intelligence trained to recognize and identify plastic by shape, and systems based on spectral analysis of the composition of plastic for sorting and identification.

    Keywords: plastic waste, microplastics, plastic recycling in the ocean, recycling vessel, plastic type recognition, use of recycled plastic

  • Construction site as a source of air pollution in urban areas

    Issues of environmental protection, in particular atmospheric air, protection of the population from the effects of pollutants living near the deployed construction works are relevant, as the volume of construction and commissioning of new buildings and structures increases, and there is a continuous development of equipment and technologies in construction production. In order to study the degree of air pollution of the construction site during 2020-2023, air pollution with fine dust particles PM2.5 and PM10 was monitored, namely the volume of dust emissions, their chemical composition to assess pollution from construction processes and equipment that produce these construction processes, taking into account the factors of background dustiness of the air environment of the territory, affecting on the health of construction workers and the population. Based on the results of the work carried out, it was determined that the highest concentration of dust and the volume of dust emissions are shown by earthworks. The results of this work, with practical accuracy.

    Keywords: environmental safety, environmental monitoring, atmospheric air protection, ecology in construction, dust suppression, feasibility study, dust collection systems, labor protection in construction

  • Civil engineering novel patents

    Main tacks of ecology are determine the safety margin of the planet; Identify the parameters that have the greatest impact on the state of the world; Predict the likely outcomes of current economic and industrial policies. Professor  Gaia Herrington concludes that the “standard scenario” is most comparable to the current situation. This has led to the creation of numerous (over 1,500) inventions to reduce environmental threats.   Chemists at the New Jersey Institute of Technology have created a new laboratory method to detect traces of PFAS in food packaging, water and soil sample. Most existing models of the terrestrial biosphere that are used to estimate carbon sequestration account only partially or not at all for the complex mechanisms associated with vegetation, and are at the lower end of the complexity spectrum.

    Keywords: environmental threats, limits to growth, inventions on ecology

  • Environmental safety of residential complex territories from the perspective of radon flux density research

    Radon is a chemically inert radioactive gas with daughter decay products (DPR) in the form of alpha particles. Radon flux density studies were conducted in the Komarovo residential complex in the Sovetsky district of Volgograd in April 2024 on an area of approximately 0.3 km2. The purpose of the study was to study the radon flux density on a land plot in the Komarovo residential complex (Sovetsky district, Volgograd) in April 2024. Research objectives: 1. Measurement of the radon flux density level at the study points. 2. Statistical processing of the obtained results. 3. Forecasting of radon hazard of a land plot in the residential complex "Komarovo". Research methods and equipment. The method of measuring the radon flux density from the ground surface using Alfarad-Plus (Russia) was used. The authors found an excess of the average values of the radon flux density in the Komarovo residential complex by 5 times compared with the data of the standard values of the radon flux (80 MBq/m2*s). Moreover, spot emissions of radon gas of abnormal values reaching 3945 MBq/m2*s were recorded in the studied area, and in the southwestern part of the residential complex there is a zone with the highest values of PP> 80 MBq/m2*s. There is no anthropogenic factor in the form of radioactive contamination. These facts indicate signs of natural radon pollution of the land and problems of environmental safety of the urbanized territory, which requires operational engineering and environmental measures to develop protective measures against radon danger in the residential complex "Komarovo".

    Keywords: radon, radon flux density, radioactive contamination, radon hazard, radon risks, daughter products of radon decay, alpha particles, urban areas, residential complexes, lung cancer

  • Production of synthetic liquid fuels on hybrid catalysts

    The article discusses the features of obtaining liquid synthetic motor fuels from natural gas and other carbonaceous raw materials. The use of such fuels in the operation of construction and road equipment can help reduce the negative impact on the environment, especially in areas with increased requirements for air quality. It has been shown that one of the effective methods for obtaining synthetic fuel fractions is one-pot synthesis using bifunctional catalysts, which make it possible to combine the hydrocarbon synthesis process and the hydroprocessing stage, including hydrocracking and hydroisomerization processes.

    Keywords: synthetic motor fuels, bifunctional catalysts, promoters, one-pot synthesis

  • Modeling the relationship of sediment pollution with external factors on the example of the Silinka river, Komsomolsk-on-Amur

    In this article, using the example of the Silinka River in the city of Komsomolsk-on-Amur, the influence of various factors on the formation and transportation of sediments in the river, such as sediments, dissolved substances, such as the gross form of zinc, is estimated. The paper uses a multiple regression model to identify the influence of some external factors on the level of contamination of bottom sediments with zinc and presents the results of numerical modeling that allow us to assess changes in the "water – bottom sediments" system under the influence of various factors. The work is important for understanding ecological processes in rivers and can be used to develop methods for managing and protecting water resources.

    Keywords: multiple regression, urban area, ecological status, mass transfer processes, water resources, bottom sediments, modeling, Silinka River, Komsomolsk-on-Amur city, ecological processes, numerical modeling, water resources management

  • A new approach to assessing the contamination level with heavy metals in the soil-like fraction from landfills

    The paper presents a new approach to assessing the level of contamination with heavy metals of the soil-like fraction from landfills using Monte Carlo simulation using the example of landfills located within the borders of Volgograd.It was found that with a probability of 36.2%, the contamination level of a soil-like fraction from the landfill located in the Voroshilovsky district will correspond to moderately hazardous, and with a probability of 63.8%, hazardous. It is economically justified to isolate a soil-like fraction with a low level of pollution to detoxify it and further use it in the territory reclamation. For a soil-like fraction from landfill located in the Traktorozavodsky district, the pollution level was determined as extremely hazardous and hazardous with a probability of 87.1% and 3.1%, respectively. It is shown that a useful and usable part cannot be isolated from a soil-like fraction. A soil-like fraction must be neutralized and placed at waste disposal facilities.The presented approach is a useful instrument for pollution level assessment of a soil-like fraction, which can increase the accuracy of an estimate and the management effectiveness of a soil-like fraction during landfill development.

    Keywords: landfill, soil-like fraction, heavy metals, pollution level, Monte Carlo method, modeling

  • Comparative analysis of the designs of dust settling chambers for steel furnace emissions purification systems

    The main designs of dust settling chambers of metallurgical enterprises are considered, an analysis is given from the point of view of the type of metallurgical furnaces, their power, and schemes for removing gases from them to gas cleaning equipment. The movement of gas flow in chambers of various designs was studied using the SolidWorks software product with the FlowSimulation application, which made it possible to establish the behavior of the gas-air flow depending on the design of the dust settling chamber.

    Keywords: dust settling chambers, steel melting furnace, solid particles, modeling, gas-air flow, bag filter, gas exhaust path

  • The determination of the dispersed composition of the solid ingredients’ particles in the work area air and evaluation of the dust concentration’s meanings at non-stationary sources of emissions into the atmosphere of an electric smelting shop

    At the present stage of increasing competition, the increased level of threats to the economic condition of business entities in any sector of the economy requires special attention. Enterprises of this industry annually emit aerosols of various composition and origin into the atmosphere: iron, vanadium, aluminum oxides, manganese oxides and other heavy metals. One of the components of safety is environmental safety and ensuring safe working conditions. The chemical composition of the dust-gas-air mixture of metallurgy enterprises is considered in the article, and the dispersed composition of aerosol emissions is determined. The data of the results of microscopic analysis of the fractional composition of dust based on the data of integral dependences of the density of distribution by equivalent sizes (diameters) D for the ingredients accepted for the study allowed us to determine the average median values of equivalent dust diameters.

    Keywords: metallurgy, aerosol, electric steelmaking shop, dust-gas-air mixture, dispersion analysis, average median diameter, dh 50

  • Options of wash water reuse for water treatment stations

    The article provides an analysis of technological schemes for the reuse of contaminated water obtained after washing the rapid filters of water treatment plants. The advantages and disadvantages of existing options for reuse and disposal of purified and untreated wash water are shown. A new water treatment technology has been proposed, which involves pre-treatment of wash water with an organic coagulant, followed by mixing it with river water and subsequent reagent purification of the resulting mixture by settling and filtration.

    Keywords: water treatment, filter wash water, coagulation, aluminum sulfate, organic coagulant, clarification

  • Permafrost: geocryological hazards and regional degradation of frozen soils

    Today, the problem of global climate change and the associated degradation of permafrost is a priority area of ​ ​ research. In the regions of the Far North, a change in temperature by half a degree contributes to the emergence of geocryological dangers: the appearance of ravines, thermokarst subsidence, heaving, the formation of residential ice and, as a result, the destruction of houses and infrastructure. In Russia, the permafrost zone occupies about 63-65% of its territory and extends for thousands of kilometers. Various engineering and geological impacts, including man-made ones, represent a serious geocryological hazard and can lead to degradation of frozen soils in various regions. Due to the rapid thawing of ice and climate change, collapses and voids form on frozen soils. Also, when thawing permafrost, a large amount of groundwater is formed and there is a risk of salinization of nearby water and coastal zones. This can lead to the loss of resources that are necessary for the life of the local population, as well as for the economy of the region. Despite the fact that there are numerous programs and studies on this topic, a huge amount of work has not yet been carried out in Russia to eliminate geocryological threats.

    Keywords: Geocryology, permafrost, ground, frozen soil degradation, thawing, monitoring, Yakutia, cryolithozone, geocryological hazard