In the practice of hydraulic engineering construction, especially in mountainous and foothill areas, quite often there are conditions under which it is economically advantageous to build a dam reservoir from heterogeneous local materials with different filtration characteristics. As a rule, in such areas near the site of the future dam there is not enough homogeneous construction soil that meets all the requirements. However, it is possible to find soils that differ in water permeability, but in sufficient quantity for the construction of the body of this dam.
Keywords: reservoir, dam, filtration, soil, section, pool, anti-seepage core, flow, slope
The article presents the geological environment for each of the three territorial zones of the CBD, as well as exogenous processes and phenomena occurring in these zones; discusses the fundamental issues of lithomonitoring, which is an information system that determines the strategy of nature management; identifies the tasks that determine the achievement of the goal of monitoring the lithosphere.
Keywords: monitoring, landslide, mudslide, karst, geological environment, technogenic state, conglomerates, loess loam, modeling, information system