The method of determining crack-forming forces based on the normative approach is considered. Experimental and theoretical studies of reinforced concrete beams made of ordinary heavy concrete, self-compacting concrete with a modifier and concrete of a frame structure have been carried out. Formulas for determining the tensile strength and flexural strength depending on the compressive strength for each of the considered types of concrete are given. The calculated values of the ultimate extensibility of various concretes determined by various methods are given. Coefficients to the formula linking the reduced and initial elastic modulus of various types of concrete are obtained. The influence of the accuracy of the experimental determination of the moment of cracking on the change in the calculated dependencies is analyzed.
Keywords: cracking moment, flexural and tensile strength, frame structure concrete, self-compacting modified concrete
One of the most massive polymer waste of consumption is car tires that are going out of service. The disposal of such tires at a solid waste landfill is an extremely inefficient way of their disposal, entailing an increase in the area of landfills and an increase in negative environmental impact. The least financially and labor-intensive way of processing automobile tires is grinding into fractional crumbs. To reduce the costs of sorting and further grinding of tires, a shredder with a dispersion of 3 mm is used. The article suggests the use of rubber crumbs as a binder when laying highways. Studies of indicators affecting the operational parameters of asphalt pavement at different values of the mass of rubber crumbs in comparison with a clean sample were carried out and the optimal specific mass of the added crumbs was determined, which was 15-20%.
Keywords: rubber crumb, tires, asphalt mix, optimal weight
Abstract: This article discusses the prospects and problems of the development of digital technologies in the construction industry of the Russian Federation. The work presents the main legislative acts and federal projects aimed at the digitalization of construction in the country, the features of the introduction of digital technologies at all stages of the life cycle of capital construction projects, including: building information modeling (BIM), their digital twins (Digital Twin), the Internet of things ( IoT), with the help of which a single information space is created that allows collecting, systematizing all the received data, on the basis of which management is carried out at various stages of the life cycle.
Keywords: digital transformation, construction, building life cycle, BIM technologies, Digital Twin
The trends of modern society require a quick solution to the issues of restoration of emergency buildings and structures. New methods of strengthening the load-bearing structures of buildings are aimed at reducing labor costs, the timing of work and the need for complex equipment. In the field of reinforcement of reinforced concrete structures, such methods are composite reinforcement systems. Having proven itself well in working with bendable and compressed elements, there are areas where their use has not yet been studied. One of these is the reinforcement of reinforced concrete girderless floors, in which the protective layer of concrete is broken. This article is devoted to the development of a method of reinforcement with composite materials, where the protective layer of concrete was violated. At the same time, the internal moment of a pair of forces reduces the bearing capacity of the element by about 30%. The paper presents the advantages of the new composite reinforcement method and provides a possible example of its use on a real object.
Keywords: concrete, reinforced concrete, composite material, carbon fiber, carbon fiber lamellas, carbon laminate, flexibility, compressed elements, girderless overlap
The article contains the results of verification of the finite element design model of work on axial compression of reinforced concrete structures with combined reinforcement. Structures with combined reinforcement (with non-removable steel-fiber concrete formwork) are widely used in the construction of nuclear power plant structures. Steel fiber reinforced concrete, in comparison with heavy concrete, has increased strength and deformation characteristics, due to which it performs the function of a bearing element that perceives compressive and tensile forces. The study of the joint work of steel fiber concrete and heavy concrete is a promising area of research. The developed finite element model of a reinforced concrete structure with a fixed steel-reinforced concrete formwork with a high degree of reliability allows us to determine the stress-strain state, the redistribution of forces between the cross-section elements and the parameters of cracking during loading. The described modeling technique is recommended to be used in the study of the operation of such structures.
Keywords: NPP, nonremoveale formwork, structural testing, Ansys, stress-strain state diagram, steel fiber reinforced concrete, finite element method
The article considers an experimental study of the stress-strain state of radial beam domes. The maximum stress values are fixed in stretched flexible elements with a peak value of 363.6 MPa. With the calculated resistance of the wire material Bp-I Rs = 410 MPa, there is a 12% load-bearing capacity margin. Note the high level of stresses in other flexible elements with values in the range from 141.4 to 274.72 MPa.
Keywords: radial beam dome, experimental studies, loading, strain gages, deformation
A monolithic plate is the most reliable type of foundation. The design is selected if the future building or structure will stand on a site with difficult soil. Three variants of organizational and technological solutions are considered - a ribbed foundation plate a solid foundation slab and a box-shaped foundation plate For each technology, two options for reinforcement are considered - steel and fiberglass reinforcement. The analysis of existing technologies for the installation of a monolithic foundation plate carried out in the first section of this work, showed that the use of these technologies is hampered by a number of factors related to the design and technological features of the object being built. The choice of a rational technology for the installation of a foundation plate is carried out by assessing the influence of organizational, technological and design factors. Based on the results of a comparative analysis of the methods for constructing a foundation plate, it was revealed that the most rational in terms of labor intensity and cost for the structure under consideration, a reinforced concrete plate 15.6x544 m, is technology No. 1 - a ribbed foundation plate using MSC formwork and reinforcement with fiberglass reinforcement. The analysis of the dependencies obtained and the calculation of the coefficients showed that the factors affecting the laboriousness of the installation of a monolithic foundation plate can be arranged in the following order in terms of significance: 1) structural characteristics (the presence of ribs, a solid slab or the presence of voids); 2) thickness of the foundation plate; 3) type of reinforcement used for reinforcing the foundation plate; 4) the area of the constructed plates.
Keywords: monolithic foundation plate, steel and fiberglass reinforcement, factorial analysis, labor intensity and cost of construction, work performance
This paper presents, developed by the authors of this scientific article, a method for calculating the strength of reinforced concrete out-of-center compressed racks according to the current regulatory methodology according to SP 63.13330.2018. The peculiarity of this technique is the condition that when calculating the strength, an external force is unknown, in turn, the normative methodology, on the contrary, is focused on calculating the cross-sectional area of metal reinforcement, provided that an external force is known in advance. The inverse problem is not provided for by the norms, since it is used mainly for scientific purposes. Consequently, the methodology developed by us is of great value for research work, where an important factor is the determination of the strength of samples for subsequent comparison with the strength of the corresponding reference samples and the development of new proposals for calculation methods. For the convenience of the reader, the developed calculation method is presented as an example of calculating the strength of one off-center compressed reinforced concrete sample, with explanations and references to the formulas of the normative literature. The calculated sample was actually manufactured and tested in the laboratory of the Department of Housing and Communal Services of DSTU and all its characteristics were found experimentally, therefore, the calculation method is based on comparison with the results of experimental studies.
Keywords: steel, heavy concrete, reinforced concrete, test, rack, eccentricity, strength, off-center compression
The design of energy-efficient buildings is based on the analysis of the external climatic effects on buildings for various purposes, the parameters of the air environment inside which are well defined. Climate systems of buildings should neutralize the negative impact of the external environment, in particular wind exposure. It determines both the temperature regime of the room and the purity of the air inside them. The complexity of both theoretical research and the organization of field experiments or blowing models of buildings in a wind tunnel makes it necessary to resort to mathematical modeling of the wind impact on the school building based on the StarCCm+ program. Velocity fields were obtained for different directions of wind load, the excess heat loss of the building in certain directions was determined. The possibility of conducting such studies in a wider range of initial and boundary conditions is shown.
Keywords: aeration of residential buildings, mathematical modeling
The use of information modeling at all stages of the life cycle of a construction object requires a revision of existing approaches to organizing the work of specialists, a more thorough study of the processes of information exchange, the search for new more effective ways of managing information and organizing the use of models. By the period of operation of the constructed object, a significant amount of various data and documents is generated, and during the operation of the building or structure there is a need to collect and analyze significant amounts of information. Damage detection and prediction of structural behavior, search for the current location of a building element can take a lot of time, and a systematic approach to information flow management will ensure an increase in the efficiency of operation services by reducing costs during unscheduled repairs and increasing the life of buildings. This article discusses a model of the integration process of data received or transmitted by Radio Frequency Identification technology tags and data stored and used in an information model. Tags can be placed on critical structures, in complex nodes or on cracks to monitor their disclosure. The approaches to managing information flows depending on the tasks solved at the operational stage, taking into account the preventive maintenance of building elements, are given.
Keywords: radio frequency identification, building information modelling, building maintenance, digitalization, internet of things, industry foundation classes, maintenance and repair, building condition analysis
The article presents a review of research on the subject of the special limiting state, which are of interest for the development of theory and practical applications. The results of the main works, which have not lost their relevance, are briefly presented. Perspective directions of development for improvement of the theory of the special limiting state are distinguished: 1) Taking into account in calculations the stiffness of nodal couplings, individual elements of structures. 2) Consideration of joint operation of prefabricated and prefabricated-monolithic structures, including shear stiffness of compound sections. 3) Consideration of temporal and spatial nature of impact. 4) Work on extension of application of the theory beyond calculations for progressive collapse.
Keywords: special limitstate, special effects, reinforced concrete, deformability, special limit state criteria
The article analyzes the survey results of standard curtain walls with air space (hereinafter – CWs), used in construction industry in the city of Moscow. Despite a large number of advantages, curtain wall ventilated systems have a number of disadvantages, resulting, on the one hand, from the design solution of the CW: heterogeneity, shrinkage and deformation of the insulation layers, water penetration through the lining cracks, etc. On the other hand, failure to meet the CW technology and insufficient development of regulatory support for the design, installation and maintenance of CWs lead to a decrease in their quality. For a number of survey objects, a discrepancy between design and technical solutions was revealed: for the material of the supporting structures; for the material of the brackets; for the material of self-tapping screws; for the material of facing plates. Based on the survey results, it was revealed that it is inappropriate to use facing elements made of fiber cement boards in order to prevent their collapse and ensure the safety of people near the wall systems. Also, it is not advisable to use ""TYVEK House Wrap"" (1060) wind and hydroprotective membranes for installation from the outer surface of the thermal insulation of buildings due to their fire hazard.
Keywords: hinged facade systems, ventilated, facing plates, fasteners, defects, testing, displacement, cracks, chipping, deformation
The results obtained during experimental studies of deflections of reinforced concrete struts of two flexibilities λh = 10 and 20 tested at three load application eccentricities e0=0; 2.0cm (0.16h) and 4.0cm (0.32h) are considered.Theoretical calculations of deflections were performed according to the current set of rules (SP 63.13330.2018). Based on experimental data and calculation results, it was found that the values of theoretical deflections differ significantly from experimental ones. The influence of the eccentricity of the load application and the flexibility of the samples on the convergence of the theoretical and experimental values of the deflections of the images was analyzed, possible causes of the discrepancy were considered and proposals for improving the calculation methodology were developed.
Keywords: "concrete, reinforced concrete, compressed elements, flexibility, eccentricity, the second group of limit states, deflection "
Тhe article provides a detailed analysis of the work under load structures of clamp scaffolding and systematizes the features of taking into account loads and impacts when performing strength calculations. The article analyzes the stress-strain state of free-standing forests. An algorithm for calculating free-standing forests is proposed, taking into account the features of structural schemes of blocks that are not specified in the normative literature. Based on the results of the analysis of data from a series of numerical experiments, constructive measures are proposed to ensure the load-bearing capacity, rigidity and stability against overturning of spatial blocks of free-standing forests, which will allow installing blocks with a height-to-size ratio exceeding 3,5:1 in open areas (outside buildings and structures) without attachment to existing structures.
Keywords: steel scaffolding, yoke scaffolding, stress-strain state, structural solutions, stability, load-bearing capacity, nonlinear calculation, spatial free-standing block, dismounting, off-center coupling of elements
The article is devoted to the actual problem of automating the life support processes of the system “intelligent building”, through the introduction of telemetry modules, in order to comply with the requirements of high-quality supervision, control and precautionary measures, in particular, in the areas of maintenance of water networks, responsibility for the operation of engineering networks and facilities between suppliers and consumers, ensuring water quality analysis. An analysis of the automated dispatching control and management system (on the example a water intake unit) shows that a lot of works (both Russian and foreign researchers) are devoted to the issues of control and distribution of water supply in the city, but narrowing the object of study to a complex of an automated sodium hypochlorite dosing system, the possibility of its optimization, taking into account the specific states of the system. The formulas given in the work for calculating the working dose and the amount of active chlorine, well as the number of strokes the dispenser pumps and the formulas for determining the actual working dose of the disinfection process, open up the possibility of clearly monitoring the actual dose and adjusting it, analyzing in detail the main parameters of the disinfection system. At the same time, the automatic control of the complex is carried out by a controller and PC, and the relevance lies in the use of telemetry control modules for organizing uninterrupted, remote operation of the dispatch service. Thanks to telemetric means of dispatching control and management of the state of water supply facilities, the process reaches a new qualitative level. The functionality of the water intake unit is expanding due to the introduction of telemetry and telecontrol system in the form of separate technological modules. The developed modules (through spatial and time series models) provide the performance of additional functions, such as: water quality control (residual chlorine, accounting for a number of random pollution factors), support for the route technology of the dispatching system, remote control of actuators with the possibility of automatic control, self-diagnostics of the software and hardware complex, as well as planning preventive measures. repair and restoration works of engineering systems. As a result of operational monitoring of water quality (using a telemetry module), optimal ratios of chlorine entering the water are automatically provided in the chlorination room. At the same time, the author convincingly proves that the use of the proposed method for monitoring and transmitting data makes it possible to perform continuous remote diagnostics (of communication channels, the performance of all systems) and, importantly, there is no need to send specialists directly to the object each time (parameterization and calibration of devices is carried out remotely). Quick setting of limit levels and modes of operation allows you to flexibly control the production process, reconfigure it according to changing tasks and re-equip it (if necessary).
Keywords: diversification of management, production diversification, financial and economic purposes of a diversification, technological purposes of ensuring flexibility of production
The work of reinforced concrete racks made of concrete frame structure is analyzed. The conclusion is made about the expediency of using concrete frame structure in reinforced concrete columns.
Keywords: concrete frame structure
The article discusses the areas and prospects for the use of low-poly geometric models in the construction industry. Data on foreign researches in the considered area are given. The main differences of this type of models from the three-dimensional components of information models are listed, the difference in the methods of their development is described. An analysis of the currently relevant areas of application of these models in the construction industry was carried out, the key features that models should have to use them in these areas are named.
Keywords: civil engineering, low-polygon models, architectural and urban planning solutions, virtual reality, 3D cadastre, geoinformation systems
The article is devoted to the study of curves that are not representable by the intersection of two surfaces. In modern architectural practice, they very often depart from classical forms, replacing them with complex surfaces. Recently, there has been the development of such an architectural style as architectural bionics or bio-tech. Faced with the challenges of sustainable development and its impact on the environment, the construction sector faces the necessary need for innovation. Architecture is presented as one of the promising areas of knowledge use based on biological research. And it is able to respond to current environmental problems. Indeed, many species of animals and plants know how to apply adaptation strategies to the environment and its transformations, forming together with it a sustainable ecosystem. Technological advances in very small-scale observation allow for deeper knowledge of how nature works and offer a new source of knowledge and inspiration for architecture.
Keywords: architecture, spatial curves, axonometric projections of curves, narrowed curves, bionics, biomimicry, eco-innovation
The exploited roof is intended for use, for example, as a recreation area, sports grounds, landscaping, parking lots, etc. It is proposed to compensate for the shortage of urban areas and the high cost of land within the city by using the concept of vertical construction expansion. The lack of free open space limits the ability to accommodate the necessary infrastructure to serve the growing number of residents and reduces the level of comfort for living. The article presents the results of a comparative study of technologies for the installation of operated roofs, arranged with a traditional and inverse arrangement of a waterproofing carpet and thermal insulation. As a result of the study, the technological advantages of the installation of an inverted exploitable roof intended for landscaping are shown. The labour intensity of technological operations and the duration of work when installing a green roof using inversion technology is 19.5% lower compared to the traditional one.
Keywords: exploited roof, vertical gardening, inversion roof technologies
The article proposes a technique for optimizing trihedral lattice tower structures according to the criterion of minimum mass, taking into account limitations in strength, ultimate slenderness of elements, stability, and the absence of resonant vortex excitation. A lattice tower with a cross section of elements in the form of round pipes, consisting of two sections, is considered. The variable parameters are the width of the tower, the height of the lower section, the outer diameters of the cross-section of the chords and gratings, the number of panels in the lower and upper sections. The solution of the nonlinear optimization problem is performed in the MATLAB environment using the Global Optimization Toolbox package. Determination of forces in the tower and frequencies of natural oscillations is performed by the finite element method using the subroutine for MATLAB developed by the authors. The influences on the tower are ice and wind loads, the dead weight of the tower, as well as the weight of the equipment. When calculating the effect of wind, the pulsation component is taken into account. The surrogate optimization method is used to solve the nonlinear optimization problem. In the initial approximation, the mass of the tower was 2 tons. As a result of optimization, the mass was reduced by more than 2 times.
Keywords: lattice towers, finite element method, surrogate optimization, resonant vortex excitation
The paper considers theoretical studies of the deformed state of the nagel joint with claw washers in LVL structures (from the English LVL – Laminated Veneer Lumber). A mathematical model of snow load has been developed. The method of theoretical calculations of creep from the action of periodic load on the basis of previously performed experiments is given.
Keywords: claw washer, LVL, connection, deformation, mathematical model, load, regression equation, humidity, creep
The regulation of the stress-strain state of the floor slab is considered in order to choose the optimal design solution for the frame of a unique building. Three variants of design solutions with varying reinforcement of the plate and cross sections of the vertical elements of the frame are proposed. The numerical experiment was performed by the finite element method using the Lira-CAD software package. To improve the accuracy of the results obtained, calculations were made taking into account the nonlinear operation of materials. The computational model of the floor slab includes physically nonlinear shell finite elements. Nonlinear loading was modeled taking into account the creep of concrete. Based on the results of the calculations, the analysis of the deflections of the floor slab and the consumption of materials was performed. The numerical experiment allowed us to propose an optimal design solution for the frame of a unique building.
Keywords: stress-strain state, finite element method, unique building, physical nonlinearity, deformation law, building frame
A step-by-step finite element method calculation algorithm of concrete filled steel tubes is provided with an example. A comparison of the finite element calculation results with experimental data, calculations according to Russian (SP266.13 25800.2016) and European standards (Eurocode 4) and the “inverse” numerical-analytical method, which takes into account the actual rigidity of sections, is given as well. The study shows an accuracy of the proposed finite element model using Drucker-Prager model for concrete and the “inverse” numerical-analytical method in comparison with standard calculation methods.
Keywords: finite element method, concrete filled steel tubes, Drucker-Prager model, “inverse” numerical-analytical method, eccentric load
Energy saving and energy efficiency is one of the priorities of the state policy of the Russian Federation and, in particular, the Stavropol Territory. This article analyzes the current state of energy efficiency of construction facilities in the Stavropol Territory. There is a discrepancy between the technical condition and functional and consumer qualities of industrial and civil buildings to the current thermal engineering standards. From this point of view, the chosen research topic may be very timely and relevant. The problem of increasing energy efficiency depends on solving the issue of energy saving in the design, construction and operation of buildings. Saving energy consumption is one of the most important tasks in the construction, reconstruction and operation of buildings and structures of the Stavropol Territory. The article presents regulatory sources used for analysis and recommendations on energy efficiency of buildings. The conditions for carrying out measures to improve energy efficiency in the cities of the Stavropol Territory are analyzed, cities that have received significant savings due to the introduction of energy-efficient measures are highlighted.
Keywords: construction, construction technologies, industrial and civil buildings, energy saving, thermal protection of buildings, energy efficient technologies, construction industry, Stavropol Territory
The article presents the results of experimental studies of the operation of mobile wood and metal-wood road pavement and work sites. The results allow to predict with sufficient confidence the stress-strain state of mobile road pavements in real conditions of operation ground as temporary roads, helicopter pads and drilling rig sites.
Keywords: mobile road pavement, demountable plate, temporary roads, static load testing